Sunday, November 8, 2009

Alphabet For Life Plaque

I was flipping through a catalog this morning, and I came across this "Alphabet for Life Plaque".  I love it and want to share it.  "Accept differences, Be kind, Count your blessings, Dream, Express thanks, Forgive, Give freely, Harm no one, Imagine more, Jettison anger, Keep confidences, Love truly, Master something, Nurture hope, Open your mind, Pack lightly, Quell rumors, Reciprocate, Seek wisdom, Touch hearts, Understand, Value truth, Win graciously, Xeriscape, Yearn for peace, Zealously support a worthy cause."

Oh, and one more thought.  I was listening to an interview with David Foster this morning on "Sunday Morning" (CBS, great show), and at one point he said: "Good is the enemy of great".  I thought that that was a great thought to mull over.

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